What Businesses Should Know About Working With Gen Z

Millennials have indubitably been the main subject (or punching bag, depending on whom you ask) of talk surrounding the various generations that currently make up our society (baby boomers, Gen X, millennials and Gen Z) for the past 10 years. But millennials are starting to move out of the spotlight to make room for Gen Z, the generation born between 1995 and 2015. Gen Z is known for having grown up almost entirely on technology, for craving engagement and for their pragmatic worldview.

How to Implement a Diversity Marketing Strategy

For consumers, seeing someone like themselves in advertisements is huge – they are more likely to buy the product, since it's easy to envision themselves using it. But what happens when the people featured in advertisements are consistently white, straight, thin and young? Brands fail to reach a larger audience because their target markets are too narrow. That's where diversity marketing comes in. Diversity marketing is a marketing strategy that appeals to and includes diverse groups of consume

How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps Business

People with disabilities have long been excluded from or underrepresented in the workforce based on low expectations and preconceived notions about their capabilities. The signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 opened the doors for inclusion and employment for millions of people with disabilities, but a culture of stigma and misunderstanding has pervaded, especially when it comes to employment.

Good Vibes and Lots of Yellow: How We Built Our Space

Office spaces have been on the tips of designers’ tongues for a few years now. With a whole lot of new research on productivity drivers and spreads on Google’s ultra-trendy California campus, everyone’s scrambling to strike the balance between cool and effective. Our office started as a big open concrete room with the jackpot in windows, which was the main selling point for us. We all agreed that the space had something—a little soul, a lot of history, and infinite potential. It took a while t

What We Learned from "Design Disruptors"

“Art and design are completely different. Art is about making questions- design is about making solutions…in design, you have to make sense.” The film Design Disruption explores the new world of design, and how today’s designers—and the world’s perception of design—are shifting approaches, methods, and philosophies to adjust to the new expectation of out-of-this-world excellence in design. Part of the issue is that so much of the actual work and knowledge that goes into modern design is kept b

As a Sandy Hook resident, 'enough has been enough' for four years

It was nearing 9.30am on an unusually warm Friday morning in mid-December at Newtown High School – I was a senior, shuffling my notecards as I tried to prepare myself for my economics presentation. I had just finished putting them in order when an announcement came over the loudspeaker, our assistant principal, telling us calmly: “Initiate emergency lockdown.” I exchanged glances with my classmates – most of us grateful, now that we probably wouldn’t have the class time to fit in the rest of our